Saturday 9th April 2022: 9am – Noon
Farm Tech Supplies Ltd, Blacknest Industrial Estate, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 4PX
The team will be out on our tractor demonstrating a selection of attachments in our dedicated demonstration area. We will be answering some frequently asked questions such as ‘Topper, Finishing and Flail Mower: which is the best for me?’ and showing the differences in the machines when cutting.
Machinery Maintenance
Learn how to maintain your machinery throughout the year with our friendly technicians who will be on hand to answer questions and demonstrate regular maintenance tasks. Great for anyone who is bit unsure of how to change that worn blade or belt and help ensure the longevity of your equipment. We also have a wide range of general tractor spare parts in stock including top link arms, pins & PTO shafts.
Paddock Tips
Maintaining paddocks and grasslands throughout the year is vital for grazing animals. Whether you have horses, sheep, goats or alpacas regular grass maintenance is key to new growth and clearing those unruly weeds.
Beginner Advice
Perhaps you are unsure where to start with your compact tractor? Our friendly team will be on hand throughout the open days to answer any questions and give out some handy tips to managing your estate or smallholding with our range of machinery. You may want to start off with our range of fencing equipment to manage your paddocks and a pipe layer attachment to get the water pipes run to the field. Or perhaps one of our mowers can take care of the weeds and brambles around your estate which need a bit of maintenance.
Get Up-to-Date with our New Equipment
Even if you have been using your tractor and equipment for a fair few years, you may want to come along and try out some of our new pieces of kit ready for summer. Now is the best time to replace any old equipment which is getting a bit worse for wear and revive your estate with our range of new machinery.
For more information please call us on 01420 520510 or email