Buying new equipment may be at the bottom of your list at this time of year. Most plants are dormant so they don’t need much maintenance and may even be damaged if disturbed. However, buying your new machinery before the main season of work begins has several advantages. These are 3 reasons to buy machinery pre-season.
Planning Ahead
One major advantage of contemplating new tractor attachments ahead of time, is that you can really do your research into the best machine for you. For example, you may need a new PTO flail mower, but your land may require a compact flail mower, due to smaller spaces. Both of these options have several size alternatives.
It is also important to explore which brand best suits your needs. Both Winton and Fleming topper mowers are available from Farm Tech Supplies, and although they are very similar, one may be better than the other for you. The Winton topper mower is fitted with a stone guard for extra peace of mind while cutting, ideal for overgrown terrain. The Fleming topper mower has a galvanised head stock and skids, so no need to worry about paint wearing over time.
You should check which machine best suits your purposes. In our blog Hedge Trimmer or Cutter? we discussed how cutters should be used for thick hedges, while trimmers are best for more delicate foliage. It may be that another machine may be better for your needs than your first choice, so it pays to do your research. The earlier you consider buying a new attachment, the more time you have to really choose the right machine for you.
Getting to Grips
When buying a new machine, it is best to give yourself time to familiarise yourself with it before you need to use it. It may be that your newly purchased attachment operates differently from the ones you have used in the past. Even if it is the same type of machine you have used before, it’s always a good idea to read through the operator’s manual prior to use.
It is also wise to check that you have all the parts needed to link up to and operate the machine from your tractor some time before you actually need to use it. The aftersales department at Farm Tech Supplies is always happy to advise on top link arms and linkage category/sizes. Most of our machinery comes with the linkage pins and standard PTO drive shaft to get you on your way. The team will also be able to provide any troubleshooting advice as and when needed.
Ahead of the Curve
One huge benefit to buying your machinery well ahead of the main work season is avoiding the rush. Most customers will wait until the last minute to purchase equipment for their needs, so you can avoid this by buying yours early. Your chosen machine is far more likely to be available, and delivery times will likely be shorter.
Remember, planning ahead can save you both time and money!